Today, July 5th, FBI Director James Comey issued Hillary Felony Clinton a pardon. Obama was initially going to give Hillary a pardon, but because it would have an affect on his legacy, and the legacy of DOJ Loretta Lynch, Comey became the fall person to give Hillary a pardon. The point being is that Comey had more than enough evidence to recommend an indictment and get a conviction. So to avoid an indictment, an arrest and a conviction that would require a future pardon from Obama, the corrupt powers that be ordered Comey to go ahead and issue a pardon to Hillary...because she was guilty as sin for the crimes she committed while she was the Secret-ary of State.
And what a sad state of affairs America has become. My dad caught nearly 9000 thieves in his life. He was the best in his field and would never have closed his eyes and look the other way. He was offered money from thieves he caught stealing who were wealthy, which he turned down and those were the ones he aggressively went after in court. Charles Nordby couldn't be bought off. This phony FBI director James Comey should resign and get the hell out of America...he can take the other frauds with him, i.e., Obama, Clinton and the rest of the dishonest frauds destroying our country.
This asshole Comey was probably preparing his today, July 5th "pardon" speech on July 3rd, the same day his agents were questioning Hillary on July 3rd. In other words, what was the point of Hillary being questioned on July 3rd?