On this page's banner is a YouTube video highlighting the disaster taking place at our southern borders.
Jill receives a $174,000 annual salary for being a member of Congress. Just incredible...to say the least.
Above is a statement that Congresswoman Tokuda made concerning a recent endorsement former Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard made for President Trump in the 2024 election that will take place on November 5, 2024.
When I read her statement in the featured news article, I felt confused about what she was saying so I went to her Government page to send her a comment asking for clarity. I filled out her requesting information page and sent it to her. Below is what I sent to her:
I asked Jill to clarify her remarks she made that Trump and Gabbard don't represent Hawaii values and fail to fight for our freedoms. Plus, Con Jill states that "We will reject their extremism in November."
Congresswoman Jil Tokuda did respond back to me as seen below, however her response didn't make any sense at all. Why are there House Ethics rules that prevent her from answering my questions? Does the corruption in DC have a gag order on Congressional members? It doesn't make any sense. Why should I contact her campaign? Just answer my questions about your remarks. I personally believe she only made her remark about Trump and Gabbard because she knows there is so much hate within the DEMOCRATIC PARTY for Trump that any corrupt American media would publicize her remark and this was her way of getting media attention from the news media...that's it. She wanted attention...is she going to write a book now about how she was able to get media attention by mentioning Trump?
TDS...Trump Derangement Syndrome...
Jill, answer my two questions: What represents Hawaii's values and how has Trump and Gabbard failed to fight for our freedoms?
-to see how Congresswoman Jill Tokuda voted while a Congresswoman in Congress for a period of time, please look further down. If you are like me you will wonder if she represents Hawaii values and you will surely wonder if she is concerned about America, Americans freedoms along with Americans safety knowing that illegals are entering our country unimpeded. In fact, I believe you will come to understand Jill's extremism and if you are like me, you will be shocked by it all. These are not the democrats from the John F. Kennedy era.
I personally believe most of the elected democrats in America today are communists and they protect criminals in positions of power who are in the same political party. I am not a republican or democrat but I choose republican-most of them are no better than the democrats. I will vote for anybody who loves America and a person who can't be bought by corruption money...or foreign countries. Jill knows that the only way Trump is defeated in November is if the same kind of election cheating takes place that took place in 2020 that put Biden into the White House. Had the dems known back in 2016 that Hillary was going to lose in that presidential election, they would have cheated then too. They don't want to give up power ever again. They want control over the taxpayers money and they want control over people's lives...just like they did during the phony pandemic when they exploited a virus no more dangerous than the annual flu and relied on phony statistics put out by the corrupt CDC, corrupt state health departments and then all of this nonsense being pushed publicly by the corrupt news media to put fear into the public.
Below represents Congress bills that Jill Tokuda has voted for or against. The information above is from the House Judiciary GOP. Congresswoman Tokuda has voted mostly "NAY" for any bill that provides safety for the American people from the disasterous border policies that Biden/Harris have had in place for nearly four years that has allowed American hating people, along with many other unvetted criminals, to enter our country illegally and incredibly their whereabouts are not known. If Jill loved America and loved the American people she would resign her public servant position today and return the annual salary of $174,000 she receives from the American people/taxpayer, as a way to apologize for her being an extremist, a gaslighter and a total hypocrite.
“An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, ___, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.””
How many elected people in Congress can honestly stay they know the constitution of the United States of America? Does Jill Tokuda?
3D Printer = ghost and zombie guns
The paragraphs below are a work in progress:
Is Congresswoman Tokuda just a hypocrite? If she was really interested in providing safety for the public, she would get together with her colleagues in DC and do something about the open borders where millions and millions of undocumented illegals have entered our country during the Biden administration and many have committed deadly crimes against Americans. When you understand how she votes above you will simply understand how she feels about America and the safety of Americans...and she surely doesn't care about your daughter particpating in sports and having to compete against some guy (a male) who clearly has a physical advantage over her...why in the hell is a guy being allowed to compete against a female?
Listen to her ranting on the YouTube video above about guns and yet you won't find one video of her ranting about how Hawaii's elected representatives, which she is one of them, did their best to destroy people's lives, people's businesses, along with psychologically harming children and hurting their education by shutting down their schools over a virus no more serious than the annual flu...and then forcing them to wear a facemask while in school. In my opinion, this was child abuse. FACEMASKS-LOCKDOWNS-VACCINE REQUIREMENTS...on and on and on these selfish elected individuals used a phony pandemic to steal away the freedoms from the people and none of them have been held accountable for their actions.
They forced the citizens to wear a useless face mask that did absolutely nothing to stop the transmission of this virus. They created a bogeyman in the form of a virus that you couldn't see and then forced social distancing on the public and it was just as absurd and it did nothing to stop spread of a virus. They pushed a high profit pharmaceutical vaccine that they claimed would stop the transmission of the covid 19 virus and yet they had absolutely no evidence this vaccine would stop the transmission. And guess what...it didn't. It was simply one of the biggest farces America has ever witnessed.
On this video above she wants to rant about people making guns using a 3D printer in which 99.9 % of the population probably have never even seen one. And here is a secret Jill-there are probably 300 million guns in America today owned by responsible citizens...maybe even more. Criminals can easily get a black market gun.
So Jill, you and the other elected gun haters of America will never be able to take them away from the citizens because the 2nd amendment says you can't. If you don't understand that aspect of our constitution then get the hell out of "our" government because you don't belong here---go live in China where you do belong and you will be forever happy when you find out they don't have a 2nd amendment and no one has a high school to go to so they could download the instructions on how to make a ghost gun or a zombie gun to print out on a 3D printer at a Office Max...LOL
However, as you listen to her rant in the video above, she is worried about ghost guns and zombie guns. Congresswoman Jill, how about being worried about the enormous number of unknown people, who appear as if they were being created, nonstop, by a 3D printer, who are illegally crossing our border and coming into our country, with guns, and then disappear like ghosts and many of them look like zombie's, and nobody today knows where they are? Jill, how many are designated as known terrorists? You wouldn't know the answer to that question because you don't care. Swallow that in your cup of tea tomorrow morning.