The voice you hear on this page belongs to Pastor Glen Cole. Cole is a well known preacher in Sacramento, CA. He gave a message in Roseville, CA. called "One life can make the difference." Below are letters that were sent to Cole concerning his message on this particular night in Roseville, CA. Cole is a personal friend of Charles Collings and has told others that Charles Nordby is just a liar, a slanderer, and he and his family are going to hell.
Cole threw that harsh judgment on a man who caught over 8,000 thieves, without being guilty of one false arrest in his career. Regardless of Cole's poor judgment about Nordby, he has been asked to prove his story about Floyd Mullins (the purse snatcher who he is describing, which you can hear him tell on this page).
Is Cole's story about Floyd Mullins true? Or, was Cole just trying to impress his listeners by fabricating a story that glorified him? That answer has been discovered.
Click here to read what the Daily Olympian Newspaper had to say about his story. Cole, today, claims the newspaper got his story wrong. Regardless, by listening to his story about the purse snatcher he chased down (a dark street) a number of years ago in the state of Washington, much of his story just doesn't add up. I think if you listen to his entire story about Floyd Mullins, I think you will agree that it sounds kind of fishy. Remember this too, his friend Collings is a fraud, and Collings really fabricated a story in Raley's History book. It seems to me that maybe Cole and Collings are drinking from the same cup...
Below all of the letters to Cole is a letter the Billy Graham Crusade sent to CNordby. There is a major problem going on in many of our churches in America today and that is there seems to be very little accountability in the churches. Hard to believe that so many American children are being sexually abused at the hands of ordinary men under the guise of serving God. When did God specify to anyone that in order to serve Him, they first had to serve themselves by molesting children? All of them will have a tough judgment day. And get ready for homosexual priests being part of the church scene soon.
Many churches also make celebrities out of church leaders. People who are just doing the will of God are placed in high positions, and for whatever reason, they start to believe that they are higher than God. It surprises me to walk into a christian bookstore and see the title "The Billy Graham Story." Why is there a Billy Graham story? I thought Graham's story was Jesus? Graham's story is a simple story of man whom God placed into a position of trust to preach His word and do His will.
Never did God ever expect any man to create kingdoms for themselves, and these kingdoms have all the appearances of being only a worldly business that provide links for family members and friends. And then when a word pops out of their mouths, they expect every newspaper in town to print their nonsense. Is there anybody that really wants to hear another word from Jerry Falwell, Jesse Jackson, Oral Roberts, and countless others? I believe the world has heard enough from the religious hypocrites and I apologize to you for having made you listen to another one while telling his glorified story about a purse snatcher he chased down some dark street in Washington!

Pastor Glen (pictured above) was pastor of the Capital Christian Center for a number of years. He is also the man that proudly proclaimed that Charles Nordby was a liar, slanderer, and was doomed to hell. Cole made this official judgment on Nordby's claim that Charles Collings had cheated Nordby in the 70's.
Cole knew that Collings would have never cheated anybody in his life, and also, because Cole would never have a friend who didn't walk the talk. This is the same man who wanted everybody sitting in a room listening to him speak, hear his glorified story of a poor old purse snatcher he chased down a dark street in Washington during the '70s.
I wonder how many people listening to Cole that evening, went out publicly telling others that Cole is just a liar, a slanderer and doomed Cole to hell? Personally speaking, I am not too concerned about Charles Nordby's story pertaining to Collings, but I am kind of concerned about Cole's story about Floyd Mullins. I just pray that Cole's appointment with God someday isn't marred by stories such as these. The story about Floyd Mullin-is it truth or fiction?