Above is a photo of the "First Covenant Church." The name of this Church has been changed to River City Christian which you can see at the bottom of this page with its website shown. It is located off of Highway 50 in Rancho Cordova, CA. Ted Smith is probably one of the best preachers in all of Northern California. However, that is up for debate. He is probably the most humourous preacher in all of Northern California and that too is up for debate.
Back to the 1990s-It appears through some of Smith's Sunday morning messages, he is a good friend to politician/Senator Tim Leslie. Leslie sometimes finds his name being conveniently placed into some of Smith's messages. Maybe Smith mentions his buddy's (Leslie) name because Ted Smith wants everybody to understand he is in the "know" with the politicians. And there certainly isn't anything wrong with that. And there probably isn't anything wrong with him giving money to Tim Leslie's political campaigns. Smith mentioning Leslie's name during his Sunday morning message that coincides with Leslie's ambitions for being elected into a political position might also just be a coincidence, and there certainly isn't anything wrong with that. Who cares?
Maybe Smith believes Leslie is an outstanding public servant and would like the masses, to whom he preaches to on Sunday morning, to feel about Leslie the same way he feels about Leslie? So, when his listeners go back home or to work on Monday morning, they might share with their neighbors, or fellow employees, how their Pastor Ted Smith and politician Tim Leslie are "just like that." And what is wrong with that?
I mean, let's face it, check out First Covenant's web site. How much money is this church spending to put up this web site? What individuals are they trying to reach? Surely not those who can't afford a computer or dial up internet access. I am certainly not trying to reach those individuals with this web site. I am trying to reach the same individuals they are trying to reach. The ones with money. I don't want their money, but it is very possible that First Covenant Church does.
And personally speaking, I like the christian music my sites provides more than what First Covenant provides when people come onto its site.
This church truly wants to welcome all of those within the community. In fact, when you become a member to this church, this entitles you to join in on all sorts of get-togethers and family functions. Sometimes, you can even attend dinner engagements at this church. You pay a certain fee for you and your spouse (if you have a spouse) to attend this function. The dinner might consist of enough food to provide enough energy for you and your spouse to get home and enjoy a real meal.
But the good news is that if First Covenant Church, in Rancho Cordova, has any left-over food from a dinner banquet they provide to its church members, they will offer to sell the left-overs to those who have already paid a reasonable price to come to this banquet in the first place. Maybe this particular First Covenant Church practice is found somewhere in the Bible Scriptures.
Is there a section in the Bible that instructs churches on how to increase church revenues? When Jesus fed the multitudes with the seven loaves and fishes, were the left-overs sold for money to the same people? Just asking.
Regardless, this church really missed an opportunity to bring in some big bucks. Had they decided to wash the dinner guests feet after their supper, they could have received Raley's going price rate for bar soap needed to wash all those dirty feet. Maybe next time. I took note that a banquet vehicle, with Raley's name on it, was in the parking lot to this Church.