Jack and I left that contentious meeting we had with Collings and took the elevator down to the lobby where we pondered what our next action with Raley's would be after we protested Raley's attempt to alter the truth about their history and how they created an incredible illusion that portrayed the people running Raley's as top-notch grocery store executives inside of a poorly written book that celebrated the life of Tom Raley and the food company he started back in 1935. Simply put, they allowed this poorly written book to reveal to everyone in Sacramento that they were nothing but top-notch liars by failing so badly at a ridiculous attempt to build an altar around one narcissistic man on his glorious mission in life to con the world.
Important information about Raley's history book [of lies], was soon to come out. Collings failed to realize at the time he was calling our father a boozer, just how much additional information and evidence I would soon uncover by going to Nevada to research the Eagle Thrifty stores that he and his sidekick (Jimmy Teel) were planning on plundering in 1973. This risky and creative money making scheme was taking place about the same time they hired a man who boldly claimed he could increase their profits, or any grocer's profits, because he was an expert in the grocery business who believed a sound security program was absent in most grocery stores doing business in America because most grocers really had no clue or experience on how to solve their low gross margins that were due to theft, and when this theft is left unchecked and continues to worsen, it will eventually force them into bankruptcy, which was about to certainly happen to Raley's.
The more we looked at Collings' and Teel's actions during the early years of the 1970s, the more we came to believe they only hired Nordby to conveniently become their scapegoat to why Raley's went bankrupt in 1974, because these two inexperienced guys didn't believe anyone would be able to save their sinking ship...until they ran into a man who was in the know and a man who believed in keeping his word.
So, before navigating their nearly bankrupted company into that giant iceberg that they had been aiming for over the course of the previous 10 years while being in business...they hired Nordby in 1973, which turned out be the necessary CPR given to them that provided instant life into their poorly managed grocery stores at that particular time. Amazingly, in 1989, after more than 15 years of experiencing incredible successs, they all felt like they were now geniuses and not one of them experienced the humility of their past failures that they should have experienced, as they knew they were incredibly fortunate to still have a job at Tom Raley's supermarkets.
Rather than Collings praising the Lord in Raley's history book for the hiring of Nordby in 1973, and the incredible miracle that took place afterwards, all he and the others could do in 1989 was breathe in a shitload of arrogance into their lungs while proudly exhaling it right back into the face of the community and try to sweep under the rug the true fact that they were a one-of-a-kind group of blittering idiots {tailored}, whose unique style of mismanagement would surely have been known to anyone else occupying nearby space to these goofballs during the early 70s.
OK, so while we were waiting in Raley's main office lobby, Jack and I came to an agreement that the only action we felt we could take would be to mail our father, who lived in Lake Tahoe at that time, a copy of Raley's history book to give him a taste of their present fraud in 1991...while knowing he had the bitter taste of their past fraud he experienced from them in 1973, still inside of his mouth.
Stirring up the anger that he probably felt daily, concerning a number of men who betrayed their word that really affected him for the rest of his life, was basically all it took to rekindle the hot embers embedded deep inside of him that eventually turned into a roaring fire that bursted out of him to consume every fraudulent word written in Raley's 1989 history book...of lies, to leave only a pile of ashes, which since then, have been totally blown away into a state of oblivion by some very powerful winds, created by the truth, in a book he wrote called "Raley's Exposed-Who On Earth Saved Raley's?"
Shortly thereafter, while still lingering in Raley's lobby on the 1st floor, we observed Collings and Joyce exit the same elevator we did, as they headed for the door that led them out of Raley's main office. We speculated that Collings probably wanted to bring to her attention the heated discussion he just had with us and the possible problems in the future concerning the name Charles Nordby, a name she may have never heard of. Also, it was apparent to me at this time Joyce was very polished, business like and young looking for a 60-year-old woman. Her face was exceptionally well taken care of.
Collings, who prided himself in being shrewd as a serpent, was also savvy enough to know that in order for him to appear as innocent as a dove in Joyce's eyes, he would need to find a quiet setting for the two of them to be in so he could skillfully drag the "skeleton" of all skeletons out of Raley's closet about a man Joyce will painfully come to know. And here is the ace in the hole: There will be absolutely nothing she will be able to do to change the fact that Charles Nordby utilized his long established supermarket/grocery store expertise to keep Raley's from going bankrupt in 1974 and there will be absolutely nothing that Joyce will be able to do to change the fact that Collings, her husband Jim and Raley's utilized their long established conning expertise to defraud him.
When her life was sadly over, she too was guilty of defrauding Charles Nordby and she was even more cunning than Chuck and Jim and there was absolutely nothing left stashed away inside of her phony Food for Families pantry that could absolve Joyce of her participation in this crime against an honest man who gave the nearly bankrupted Raley's decades of expertise he had in the grocery business, to see that his profit increasing program would put Raley's on a proven path to success---which it did---and that Raley's profits would shoot through the sky---which he promised. Joyce could have rewarded Nordby's incredible selfless service to Raley's with a substantial amount of money in restitution, but thieves like the ones owning Raley's surely don't problem-solve with such solutions as that, because it was so much easier for these community cons to just call Nordby a liar, delusional and anything else that made them appear even stupider in 1991 than how stupid they appeared back in 1973 when they were rapidly going bankrupt.
Yeah, those were the good old days, back in 1973, when overpaying hundreds of dollars for a case of hams to a dishonest deli company appeared to be the standard procedure for Raley's accounts payable department who seemingly loved being cheated by nearly every dishonest supplier in town willing to submit a fraudulent invoice to them for an immediate payment, in which Nordby quickly found out during this time period that there were plenty of them circling high above Raley's 1515-20th St. downtown office, as these business destroying voltures viewed Raley's as nothing but a dead animal lying on the road and none of them wanted to miss out on this Sacramento all-you-can-eat buffet before the Mayor would be forced to contact the City Department of Garbage Collection to alert them to the fact that there was a nasty carcass rotting on 20th St. that needed to be hauled away before everyone got sick to their stomach from the stench.
How sad it was soon to be, in 1974, for a couple thousand Northern California shoplifters to discover their favorite store to steal from was no longer in business for their high intensity daily visit. LOL

Nordby went to this office building on 20th St. probably a thousand times while employed at Raley's and not once did he see Joyce or her father Tom Raley at this run-down office building. Repeat: Not once. WHY NOT? Collings'/Teel's calculated plan to title Nordby Director of Security was for future references as to make it appear Nordby was just a security man, nothing more and nothing less which they knew couldn't be any further from the truth.
After they realized Nordby had cleaned up the company's mismanagement and had ridded the company of the dishonest vendors, the dishonest suppliers and the dishonest employees/shoplifters, etc., they put forth their final plan to get Nordby to quit his job and to be out of their company. A very elaborate scheme. As the enormous profits kept pouring in, it appeared it was only these dishonest people (the incompetents running the company), who were still on Raley's payroll when Nordby submitted his resignation-which was an entire decade before Joyce Raley Teel would show up at the scene at Raley's new office building located in West Sacramento. It must have felt like a big relief for Collings to relocate to this new building and not have to travel to the downtown 20th Street office site that daily reminded him of Nordby and how he conned the man with nine children while operating under the guise of being a "Praise the Lord Christian."
It was almost as if the brains (or the lack thereof), operating Raley's in 1973 that preceded Nordby's employment, wanted to discover every possible way they could, to lose money, so they could someday justifiably stagger into a bankruptcy court with Chuckie humorously stuttering to Jimmie "This is another fine mess you've gotten me into."

Ok, now back to my story concerning the day I met Joyce Raley Teel at the Raley's store my brother Jack worked at, which was many months later after we first saw her at Raley's corporate office. When I observed Joyce at this Raley's store to give out employee service award pins, I couldn't believe this was the same woman Jack and I had seen earlier at Raley's main office. While it was in the early 90s when I met her, she looked like she was in her 90s. Her face was completely wrinkled to where I thought this wasn't the same woman. Understand this too, I had begun months earlier faxing Raley's main office scores of pages of information about Charles Nordby and how he was cheated by the people who hired him in 1973. So, she may have known by this time the name Charles Nordby and possibly the name Frank Nordby.
My goal was to introduce myself to her in a very professional way. While inside this Raley's store I stood in line to pay for some certs breath mints. FYI-I sucked on certs when I did my long distance running to try and obtain extra energy during my run. Note: If you are a runner, I would strongly advise that you don't do this as all of this extra sucking on sweet stuff inside your mouth will eventually ruin your teeth in the long run-pun alert-LOL.
As I was standing in this line I saw the store manager and said to him "Is Jack Nordby working today?" I knew Jack wasn't there and the store manager told me no, Jack was off work on that day. Kudos to this store manager as he proved to me there was someone employed at Raley's who didn't object to telling the truth. Joyce Raley Teel was standing close by so I knew she heard me say this to the store manager and I was hoping that this NORDBY name found its way inside of her head.
Seeing that JR Teel was just a short distance away from me and close enough for her to hear me speak, I asked her "Are you Joyce Raley Teel?" And Joyce said yes she was. I then said to her "Hi, my name is Frank Nordby, it's nice to meet you," as I put forth my hand to shake hers. Like I previously said, her face was so wrinkled at this time...and I just couldn't believe this woman was her and I wondered what the hell happened to her.
After shaking my hand, she backed up from where the two of us were and she moved quickly to a cash register that wasn't being used. I stayed in this line I was standing in to purchase my certs. As the clerk was finally ringing up my certs at this register, I slowly turned my head around while in this checkstand to get a view of Joyce, who was now standing behind me in an adjacent register. When my eyes focused on Joyce, her head was pointed straight down towards these service award pins she was organizing on the counter...and get this-her eyes were pointed straight up and staring right at me.
Her head was pointed straight down and her eyes
were straight up-looking at me...

Joyce knew who I was when I told her my name was Frank Nordby. She was able to verify for me with only a short glimpse from her eyes, that she knew that I knew, she was nothing but a thief and my eyes clearly responded back to let her know that she was a thief and that a thief was all she was.
When we completed this brief connection with our eyes, she immediately moved away from that checkstand to get further away from me. After this much anticipated meeting with Joyce, I realized there was nothing left for me to prove being around this woman and so I just walked away from this store with a pair of used running shoes on my feet, while still clasping the energy producing Certs in my hand, as the brain within my head argued with the restless runner inside of me, whether or not I should head on over to the American River bike trail for another 12-mile-run. Lots of important things to consider after meeting a thief on this day, as life is certainly very difficult to figure out.
Click on the two certs above to see the next priceless thing Joyce would soon come to know about me during the Sacramento downtown memorial service given to her father Tom, in Jannuary of 1992, many months after meeting Joyce in a Raley's store. It's CERTainly priceless and it didn't even make NBC's KCRA Six O'Clock News in Sacramento.
I shared with Jack my experience with JR Teel while at the store where he worked. I also told Jack how wrinkled her face was and these wrinkles weren't on her face when the two of us saw her walking out of Raley's main office with Collings months earlier.
Jack and I talked about the possibility that maybe when she was told by Collings the name of Charles Nordby and the potential problems down the road with this same name, and like I mentioned earlier, a name she may have never heard of until this time, the enormous amount of anguish and stress she experienced from all of this totally covered up her face with wrinkles. She was around 60- years-old at this time but she looked like she was 90.
And I kid you not, some time later she was appearing publicly with a face that was miraculously wrinkle-free. Did Joyce end up spending a lot of her fraud money getting facelifts to cover up her anguish and guilt and then at the same time plan on how she was going to use the corrupt news media, use the corrupt courts, use the corrupt churches and then finish it all up by using the corrupt City of Sacramento to assist her in making sure that nobody would learn the incredible story of how Raley's cheated an honest man with nine children to become successful and then tried to cover it up? OF COURSE
JOYCE ENDED UP DOING ALL OF THIS...and a lot more. However, my
big question is this: Did Joyce Raley Teel ever, end up, going to another Raley's store in the future to issue employee service award pins after experiencing me (Frank Nordby) inside of this Raley's store located on Watt Ave? PROBABLY NOT.

This 1991 meeting with Joyce was priceless and it took me over two decades to place this unique experience with a very dishonest, unrepentant and narcissistic woman on my website after creating it...back in 2003.

Note: Any plastic surgeon who did the facelifts on Joyce Raley Teel's face after she found out about Charles Nordby and his connection to Raley's, and you were paid money, by Joyce, to do these facelifts, then you accepted fraud money for your payments. LOL
The amount of money in restitution Nordby recovered for Raley's from dishonest vendors and suppliers during the early 70s is mindboggling. And even more mindboggling is the fact that Raley's, Joyce, Chuckie & Jimmie never offered Nordby one single penny in restitution for their dishonesty. Not one penny ! However, in his lawsuit, he made it known he wanted every penny they had.