When Charles Nordby decided to quit Raley's in 1976, because Raley's had reneged on their promises, he drafted up a quick letter and left it on the desks of Chuck Collings, Jim Teel, and Frank McMinn. The only words that he chose to use in his letter to them were words that would show that he kept his promises to them when they hired him in 1973: He just focuses on the amount of theft going on under the helm of Chuck Collings. He doesn't include his other consulting expertise, like filthy stores, poor customer service, and management-mismanagement at store level!
Below are the words he left on their desks:
1. Glaser Blos. Restitution plus new deal has paid my salary since. Overcharging in Reno and California.
2. Tony Ingoglia Co. was overcharging Raley's ten-of-thousands of dollars yearly. Mr.Collings figured it at $89,000 for two years. To see how Charles Nordby dissected the Tony Ingoglia company, click here.
3. Maid-Rite overcharging and not giving same prices to all stores.
4. Montco Cheese overcharging and not giving same prices to all stores.
5. Nulaid eggs-Reno, Nevada overcharging.
6. Merideth Fish Co.- Short weight plus overcharging, not giving same prices to all stores.
7. Reynolds Tobacco Co. - Salesman stealing from Raley's Market-Restitution.
8. Sierra News- Saleman removing hundreds of dollars worth of books from store #27 without giving credit.
9. United Grocers Drugs-Salesman not delivering several hundred dollars worth of Christmas merchandise without manager's knowledge.
10. Kraft Co.- Salesman reducing prices without authorization and destroying merchandise without giving credit. Store #19, plus Reno stores.
11. Model Dairy Co.- Not giving 1% discount plus not being competitive.
12. Produce Suppliers-Overcharging Raley's on a daily basis. Results are better gross margins and less loss at warehouse.
13. Bread Salesmen-under pricing merchandise in many Raley stores.
14. Potato Chips- Salesmen under pricing merchandise in Cal. and Nevada Raley's stores.
15. Candy Salesmen- under pricing merchandise at stores plus overcharging on invoices.
16. Beverage salesmen- under pricing merchandise at Raley's stores.
17. Washington Inventory Service wasn't giving Raley's an accurate count.
18. Price changes were not being made in many Raley's stores.
19. Employees were not paying for their purchases in many instances.
20. Rules and procedures were installed to prevent driver/salesmen from cheating.
21. A proven security program was initiated which has reduced shoplifting and employee theft. Several thousand apprehensions and arrests for shoplifting.
22. Dozens of employees have been terminated for theft. A few, which were costing Raley's, and would have continued to cost Raley's, large amounts of money, are as follows:
(These names will not be included on this web site)
Well in 1973, Tom Raley was out probably beating a wife. Charles Collings was probably attending Church and excited after learning that the Baptists believe "Once saved, always saved", because this Baptist belief made it easier for him to go around and con people and not realize that he will someday have to be accountable. And Jim Teel was probably in "la la land," trying to figure out how Levi got that zipper on his pants to go up and down!