KTA/Toby had to know I was on their mailing list to receive their sale/coupon book each month...Let's feature Raley's products in our book...
Recently, I noticed KTA Stores selling Raley's brand and immediately thought this was a great opportunity to raise money for the fire victims of Lahaina. Then I had a second thought on how easy it would be to sell Charles Nordby's book "Raley's Exposed, Who On Earth Saved Raley's?" right next to Raley's brand located at the KTA stores. All that KTA would need to do is place a book rack next to Raley's products located in the aisle and sell Nordby's book there. And you won't believe it-I mustered up a third thought in my head to add hot beverage mugs along with cute little Super Toby Dolls, if somehow made available, to this fundraising idea. ALL PROCEEDS WOULD GO TO THE FIRE VICTIMS OF LAHAINA.
Then suddenly, after I had awakened from my daily over-70 senior nap on a recent Friday afternoon, I was squarely hit on the side of the head with this crazy notion that maybe I have it all wrong. Could there be a possibility that KTA/Toby is carrying Raley's brand as a means to just send a clever and direct message to me in some, crazy and unprofessional way? Like, suppose for a moment, that Toby wants to provide Raley's Mike Teel a sort of camaraderie and a sympathetic support of Raley's/Teel's because KTA is aware of all the (postcard) attacks Mike Teel/and Raleys continuously receive from me via my website an/or postcards I send out via USPS in addition to what my brother Jack sends out. And maybe Toby doesn't even consider the fact that Charles Nordby went through a terrible fraud committed by these clowns. With the fact that KTA/Toby requires all store employees to be fully vaccinated, as a condition of employment, with a vaccine that is not safe tells me that he couldn't give a shit (excuse my choice of words), about what Charles Nordby went through being defrauded by the cheats at Raley's. Perhaps the shoplifters on the Big Island should introduce KTA/Toby to the real costly message of dishonesty and how it can have a terrible effect on you and your bottom line. Look at the big name businesses leaving San Francisco and other locations in America because of the huge thefts going on in the stores.
However, perhaps even in a more crazier way, Toby (apparently a staunch democrat in Hawaii and possibly looking to prove himself as such), is also aware of my cute 5X8 postcards I occasionally send through the USPS mail pointing out the craziness of Hawaii's new Governor Josh Green, and all the other political crap I can think of to send out on a boring Saturday afternoon while being held up in my little Volcano enclave...and...so...if he has heard of me then this would be an easy way for him to sling-shot political lava-rocks into my eyes from a distance by carrying Raley's 303-size-canned-food-stuff. Hey, I've been around the block so many times before as to actually believe anything is possible in this crazy world.
It appears by the fact that I have not received any response, zilch, from Toby/KTA since leaving my information with KTA Grocery Manager Brian, their silence tells me they apparently have no interest in assisting the Lahaina fire victims, which would also provide a great story for their customers to learn about the Great American-RIPPED OFF...or for KTA taking advantage of a rare opportunity to expose Raley's as the frauds that they truly are right on one of KTA's Super Stores high trafficked grocery store aisles. So, WOW, I have come to believe I am just wasting my time and this is nothing but a Crazy Frank, 72-year-old Senior Citizen Wild Pipe Dream...while he is trying to keep busy in an extra protected souped-up Depend diaper. LOL
OK, so it took me some time to properly assess this situation. I now get it, Toby/KTA is just providing a safe haven for Raley's here in Hawaii. They can do what they want with Raley's brand but basically in my opinion it is KTA/Toby's way to slap Charles Nordby, truth and justice squarely in the face.
Oh Dear, one of my KTA postcards didn't reach its destination:
With the horrible situation going on in Lahaina, Maui, after the August 8, 2023 fire destroyed this historic town and took the precious lives of so many people, I contacted KTA/Toby Taniguchi and suggested a fundraiser for them to sell Charles Nordby's book "Raley's Exposed"...and since then I have added a Hot beverage mug (50-year-anniversary of The Great American Rip-off story), along with a potential Super Toby Doll, in their stores, as a way to raise money for the victims...telling them all proceeds go to the victims. So far, I have yet to hear back from KTA or Toby. Why hasn't Toby Taniguchi responded back to me? It's a great story for KTA's management to present to their customers who might mosey on over to the vegetable aisle and grab a can of Raley's pinto beans in their stores.
So a guy named "Toby" wants to provide shelf space and extra sales to a company that got every penny they have today by defrauding Charles Nordby...and then he appears, by his silence, to give the impression raising money for the Lahaina victims isn't worth his time...but it's too late now as Oprah opened up her bag of tricks for Lahaina and since then I have decided to just forgot the idea of Toby becoming a hero for fire victims an island away or being a hero for a CA man, and his truth, 2000 miles away...and then suddenly I found myself offering a little money to a homeless man I encountered who was trying to figure out his next game plan in life while he stationed himself at Herbert Shipman Park located in Kau'au.
I was happy he accepted the money and he didn't inquire as to why I believed offering this money to him was more important than offering it to a country called Ukraine, thousands of miles away, that was involved in blackmailing our U.S. government to fleece away our taxpayers money.
Today is August 21, 2024
One year Anniversary
Click on the image below to hear the actual contact/audio of me talking with the KTA Grocery Manager about carrying Charles Nordby's book titled "Raley's Exposed, Who On Earth Saved Raley's?"
Nobody from KTA contacted me in the last 12 months after talking with Grocery Manager Brian about selling Charles Nordby's book next to Raley's products found on KTA grocery shelves.
I suggested to KTA that a bookrack filled with Charles Nordby's book could be placed in the aisle where Raley's products are now located and being sold. This book would provide an exciting story on how Raley's avoided bankruptcy back in 1974...and all proceeds would go to assist the victims of the Lahaina fire. Never mind.
Above is the book sold in 1992-Joyce Raley Teel received the first copy.
Below is a 2002 picture of two men I located in Sacramento,who posed with my CD in their hand (that I sold),
and provided them with some of the proceeds from the sale...for them assisting me in this photo.
There's a lot of nice people in this world.
Fun, fun & more fun creating all of this.
This hot beverage mug could also be added to the aisle and sold. It's the 50-year-anniversary of the newspaper article titled: The Great American Rip-Off...and this mug shows the actual image of this article.
Remember: Charles Nordby was
Below is the BIO of James Teel from October 23, 1966. It really looks impressive. However, seven years later in 1973, he didn't have a clue about the grocery business. According to Charles Nordby he was one of the stupidest people he ever encountered while working in the grocery business.
Image: Hawaii Electric Company and everything below was found on their website.
Principal Occupation: President and Chief Operating Officer, KTA Super Stores
President & Chief Operating Officer, KTA Super Stores, 2014-present
Executive Vice President, KTA Super Stores, 2006-2014
President, K. Taniguchi, Limited, 2019-present
Vice President, K. Taniguchi Limited, 1999-2019
Executive leadership experience as President and Chief Operating Officer of KTA Super Stores, where he is responsible for the daily operations of the largest network of retail grocery stores on the island of Hawaii. KTA Super Stores has invested in environmental and social innovations including electric vehicle infrastructure investments, PV system installation, sourcing from locally owned and produced businesses, supporting their marketing and expanded distribution, and philanthropic programs with direct community impact.
Current knowledge of and experience with the business community on the island of Hawaii, which is serviced by Hawaiian Electric Company’s subsidiary, Hawaii Electric Light Company, from serving in leadership positions for 17 years at KTA Super Stores which has seven retail stores all over the island and is one of the oldest grocers on island, established 105 years ago.
Extensive corporate and non-profit board leadership experience from his service on private and non-profit boards in the state which include areas of impact such as community development, health and human services, education, business, industry, insurance, and economic development.
Recognized business and community leader, including recognitions by the Hawaii Business Magazine for his leadership with the “40 Under Forty” distinction and the “20 for the Next 20” award.
Certificate in Executive Food Industry Management, University of Southern California
Bachelor of Science Communications Management, University of Portland
Is Toby the real deal and the Superman of the grocery business or is he just another Jim Teel? And based on everything you see above about Toby's incredible talents, he should be able to clearly present to everyone how wearing a face mask inside his stores will protect his customers from contracting the covid-19 virus-with scientific evidence; how standing six feet apart while standing in front of his stores and while shopping in his stores will protect his customers from contracting the Covid-19 virus-with scientific evidence; and how taking the Covid-19 vaccine will protect his employees and their health-with scientific evidence and peer review.
Here is the simple truth about operating a grocery store at a profit. If you have good sound policies in place; if you have grocery prices lower than your competitors; if you have dependable and honest employees; if you have a competent management team with a winning attitude...anybody can successfully operate a grocery store....let's face it, people need to eat and if you have a building available that can provide a lot of food for people, you should succeed. This isn't rocket science.
However, in Hawaii, price gouging is such a common practice (because of probable greed), it's possible that if grocery stores would lower their gross margins, they could still make a great profit and give the food consumers better prices. But, because most stores are probably incurring tremendous losses because of theft and mismanagement (Foodland has a lot of shoplifters), they write off those losses in the form of higher prices for their shoppers.
That was Charles Nordby's unique technique for improving profits for grocers. Make sure the store is being managed competently at every level-as most stores are not; stop the theft going on (internal and external)-most stores haven't got a clue; then lower your greedily high prices below the competition to increase sales. It's a simple outline to follow and your profits will shoot through the sky while giving your honest shoppers good honest prices. However, Charles Nordby was a rarity because he knew everything about the grocery business, plus, he knew how to catch all of the clever ways vendors, suppliers, employees and people could steal...and if you can't do that then you will surely die a slow death and it's not uncommon for stores to put a "going out of business sign" on their front doors like Raley's would have done back in 70s had they not hired Charles Nordby because this entire chain of stores was lacking top management experience and theft was certain to bankrupt them...no doubt!
This banana price was questioned back in 2010 when I first
came to Hawaii and I had to check into this.
being so much higher in Hawaii than the rest of the world-prove it.
Now, thinking about all of this stuff concerning price gouging, maybe it's why Hawaii offers a food tax credit for incomes less than $50,000-$30,000 if you are single, (it should be raised to $300,000-LOL)...maybe Hawaii's way to subsidize the price gouging going on for our free enterprise system that has a huge impact on those individuals with low income jobs. Plus, Hawaii taxes everything, including food, so that's a reality giving the State of Hawaii the highest cost of living of all the States.
In my opinion KTA/Toby, and other businesses allowed to stay open, need to apologize to all of their customers for requiring them to stand out in front of their stores while wearing a useless facemask and standing 6-feet apart during the phony pandemic. It was merely a planned out psychological stunt to push the idea that there was a convenient invisible boogy man to fear. KTA and all these other companies, while hand in hand, joined in with supporting this corruption pushing a virus no more dangerous than the annual flu that conveniently disappeared during this time period.
COME ON KTA/TOBY- prove that facemasks protect you and you weren't assisting Hawaii Government by making your customers look like a bunch of foolish sheep standing in front of your stores while 6-feet apart. Prove that standing 6-feet apart stops the spread of a virus. Scientific studies with peer review reveals that this nonsense did absolutely nothing to protect a person.
You had every right to question Governor Ige and the Hawaii Department of Health on their freedom grabbing BS mandates and the effect it would have on your customers, but you didn't because you, like the other retailers (except for the smaller businesses that were forced to close down and eventually went bankrup), gave it your stamp of approval.
More than eight out of every 10 Hawaii residents took the covid-10 vaccine and for this reason the corrupt Hawaii news media
will not put out any negative information about the covid-19 vaccine. Everyone was told that this vaccine was safe
to take and it would protect you from getting the covid-19 virus. Just a terrible lie being told to the gullible public.
I think KTA and Toby need to stop listening to the corrupt CDC, HDH and Hawaii Propaganda Radio. But they are staunch democrats who appear to like being dictators. The covid-19 vaccine is a disaster. They are requiring their employees to get this vaccine...just unbelievable. KTA/Toby-prove that the vaccines are safe to take. You can't because they aren't. They can't even protect you from getting the virus. It's all a sham and businesses like yours is pushing this nonsense. I have to wonder if businesses are getting kickbacks from the corrupt government to continue pushing this vaccine nonsense and make it all seem legitimate.
Please, don't get me wrong, having good hygene practices is great for a business but that idea has been around forever. But what hasn't been around forever is this obsessiveness going on with vaccines...oh, yeah, there is money to be made with vaccines. And this idea of the sick staying home or whatever,,,well duh, that has been a practice for years,too. I got the flu in 2000 that kept me from running the CA International Marathon...yeah, I didn't run the race and I stayed home. It's called common sense and it doesn't require dictators to tell you to stay 6ft apart which did nothing to stop the transmission...LOL
Check out the article below about the Foodland store. Foodland required facemasks and vaccines too. Employees should sue their employers for this nonsense. They were forcing people to put a vaccine substance into their body that has been shown to be harmful to do...my older sister died shortly after receiving the much recommended vaccine.
"At least one Maui retail giant is serious about complying with proposed federal mandates that companies with more than 100 employees must meet mandatory COVID-19 vaccination requirements.
According to Sheryl Toda, Vice President of marketing and corporate communications for Foodland Supermarkets LTD, the company is poised to do just that.
“All employees except those who have an approved exemption are required to be vaccinated by Nov. 8, 2021,” she said. “Our company had been discussing requiring employee vaccinations prior to President Biden’sannouncement (on Sept. 9), but knowing we would need to comply with the federal mandate gave us even more reason to move forward. In addition, in a recent company survey, the majority of employees supported a vaccination requirement. At Foodland, we believe the COVID-19 vaccination is an important way to keep our community safe.”
Toda said Foodland has approximately 490 employees on Maui. She said those employees who choose not to get vaccinated and do not have an approved exemption will lose their jobs.
Other major retailers who face potentialchanges in updatedrules include Safeway, Lowe’s, Home Depot, Target, and Costco among others.
*Clarification: The US Department of Labor is in the process of developing a rule for businesses with 100 or more employees. Such a rule has not been finalized."
Foodland's internal survey was probably "aka" intimidation of losing your job survey if you don't say yes.
Below: Meet Kathy Herbert...she was a Vice President too of yada yada yada...Click on the picture
below to get ahold of her.
Nothing but bullshit from these "unqualified" people being in their position. And this letter Kathy Herbert is "only" writing to me because Larry Johnston asked her to respond back to me because of a letter I wrote to him...Who is larry Johnston
President Biden didn't have the authority to mandate vaccines on all Americans. Above, Foodland stated they believed the COVID-19 vaccination is an importnat way to keep the community safe.
Wow, it's no wonder the corrupt news media in Hawaii isn't reporting the problems with the covid-19 vaccine. I hope the corrupt people at HPR can handle their trials with dignity when they come. The news media is a pathetic industry that employs nothing but cons and cheats...at least in my opinion.
The great thing about America is that the constitution gives all of us legal citizens voting rights. In addition to that, we all have the right to financially support those individuals we would like to see in a representative position. What troubles me, though, is when arrogant people believe other American citizens don't have the right to decide what should go into their bodies and that their role in society is to dictate to others what they believe others should be putting into their bodies. Knowing that KTA/Toby Taniguchi requires employees to be fully vaccinated with vaccines, that have been shown with scientific studies, to be harmful, is very troubling and makes me believe he is paddling in the same boat as those who could easily be looked upon as being nothing but dictators.
Where in the constitution does it state that a person should be forced to put a dangerous vaccine substance into their body to keep employment? It doesn't. Especially a vaccine that over time has harmful side effects that are potentially deadly, and this vaccine has never been proven to be safe. It appears KTA/Toby doesn't care about information like this as he seems to be more concerned with appeasing the policy makers in Oahu, HDH and federal government agencies like the CDC...an agency that should be shut down because of its political stances and recommendations that truly are detrimental and questionable to the safety of the public. Does KTA/Toby, Foodland and other businesses pushing vaccines onto all of their employees receive monetary incentives to get all employees vaccinated?
I guess when people are dining out with other people like themselves, who appear to easily develop a disdain for the common person, they can smile and thumb their noses at the rest of us while riding on their high end, after dinner carousel, feeling like they are superior and above the rest of us...in which they are not.
Imagine thinking you have the right to poke your dinner fork into another person's eye all in an effort to dismiss the constitution and proudly show you couldn't care less about the benefits it provides to all of us. Eventually, what you end up getting is a very well planned out gourmet dinner, that was prepared many years ago by the great founders of this country, being picked apart by dictators who think the constitution infringes on their ability to control others and should be dumped into a garbage can like a plate of chicken bones from a party of eight...along with its supply of wilted old parsley.
Sadly, these dictators have shown by their callousness that they would even make sure the unvaccinated were never allowed to eat from the dinner table simply because they weren't willing to give up their rights and succumb to a potentially deadly vaccine injection.
KTA/Toby, putting your politics aside, please prove with scienctific studies, and with peer review, that the vaccines are safe for anyone to take and won't cause a fatal reaction. If you can't then you should cease and desist with your employer demands that you have placed on your workforce...yeah, I know, if they don't want to do what we (KTA) ask them to do, then they can get a job somewhere else. Well, people can shop somewhere else too.
I do not support any candidate with my money- republicans, democrats or any other party as I believe politics in America is totally corrupt and the corrupt news media ends up with a lot of the donated money. However, the mere fact he only supports the democratic party, which I believe has a higher propensity to believe the constitution is bad for America and should be tossed into a garbage can like a plate of wilted old parsley, I can see why he wants to dictate to his employees that they should put a harmful vaccine into their bodies as a KTA condition of employment.
Below represent individuals who are officers of K. TANIGUCHI, LTD. If any of them donated to a political candidate, which there were a few, they gave money only to a democrat.
Below represent his father's political donations...all to democrats. RIP.
Note: Today's democratic party is not the democratic party of our parents or grandparents.
I have to believe that this guy Toby Taniguchi is establishing himself for a political future. Yeah right-just what Hawaii needs...another freedom hating democrat who would just love to utilize their dictatorship skills and put it to good use and destroy Hawaii. YOU MUST GET A VACCINE...no ifs, ands or buts. At least the drug dealer standing in front of the liquor store gives the people the choice to take his poison. LOL
Even though KTA is a privately owned company, like Raley's, maybe Toby can be bold and publicly post KTA's profits. Show Hawaii how much money you earn operating this seven store chain. If KTA stores are efficiently operated, Toby/KTA must be pulling in some big bucks. It appears his parents and grandparents did well as you can see with the property parcels they purchased (BELOW)...I guess from the selling of food.
Parcel Results
There may be other properties that are not listed here.
Click on the birthday hat above and listen to a wonderful song we all grew up with, being sung to KTA/Toby on K Taniguchi LTD 70th birthday. It was my 72nd birthday on August 10, 2023.
There are many studies and reports coming out showing that the covid-vaccine is really harmful and really bad for many people...
So why would any employer require a vaccine as a condition of employment when the young and all healthy people have a 99+ % rate of recovering from contracting this virus like any flu or cold? Are employers/businessess receiving compensation for this requirement? Heck, natural immunity was going to beat this virus for any healthy person. This was all done to get all of the people vaccinated no matter how negative of an impact to the people's health.
And below, Elon Musk puts his own two cents into the fray:
The CDC; many State Health Departments; many State Governments; along with the assistance from the corrupt news media in the total bamboozling of the public. Absolutely no proof of any of their claims as they just seem to make it all up and then they forced the public to adhere to this nonsense that had damaging effects on the people's lives to where all of us need to witness the damaging effects from the upcoming Nuremberg Trials 2.0...
...so this never, ever, happens again in America.
Below are the suitcases full of documents that holds all the proof you need-
Does KTA/Toby believe the FACEMASK information below is just BULLSHIT?
Looking at the above information, were they mandating the useless facemasks in order to keep everyone sick and keepthe phony pandemic going on and on and on and on? We live in a very evil world...and the big question is: when do the trials begin?
CDC Rochelle Walensky knew there was a problem with the vaccines on the day Rochelle Walensky declared on MSNBC that the vaccinated don't carry the virus and don't get sick...folks, this is how sick and criminal she and others were while pushing a dangerous vaccine and all of them were parroting the same nonsense "vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don't get sick." Absolutely no regard for the health and safety of others.
AstraZeneca is withdrawing vaccines
Swine Flu Vaccine Information
When I was 25-years-old and a very healthy young man, living in Mountain View, CA, there was a push by our Government to get the public to take the swine flu shot as there was an outbreak of this virus at the time.
I remember driving by a high school and noticing a big sign out front saying "Get your free Swine Flu shot here." Being so naive at this time in my life, I thought sure, why not, and I stopped and got the vaccine. The next morning I felt like I was going to die and I was so sick for a while.
Looking back, I think that had I not been in top physical condition, I might have died or been horribly affected by this vaccine. Seriously, that is how sick I was. It wasn't too much time after what I, and many others in America had experienced (some people did die), the swine flu shot was pulled and removed from the public.
The Swine Flu vaccine dangers were super mild compared to what is happening today with the Covid-19 vaccine...and because with the amount of money being used as influence, the enormous amount of data showing that this vaccine is harmful to the public, the known dangers are falling on deaf ears. And get this, illegitimate and corrupt President Joe Biden, is still pushing the public to take this poison. When do the Nuremburg 2.0 trials begin?