Not one Hawaii legislative bill has been brought forward to address the abuses of power that took place during the Covid-19 exploitation since the end of this exploitation. Why not? Why aren't the people in this Hawaii state building addressing this? There were crimes committed against people, people's businesses, children going to school, etc...........and these criminals think that they don't have to answer to anyone.
§1-HAWBSManipulation: Establishes accountability for all elected public servants; non-elected public servants: who knowingly and willfully use false information, information that they know to be false, to manipulate the public that causes great harm to the public will be a crime punishable by hefty fines and prison sentences in the State of Hawaii.
It's imperative that the State of Hawaii have accountability placed unto those individuals who had a direct impact on the lives of the people of Hawaii, during the so-called pandemic, when they used their government provided authority and while issuing their edicts when it came to the covid-19 vaccine mandate, facemask mandate, social distancing mandate and other requirements that were imposed upon the people of Hawaii when there was absolutely nothing that any elected official/non elected official, had at any time, and still don't have, that showed their edicts were based on peer review science, that actually provided protection for the people of which there was absolutely no protection at all provided to the people of Hawaii.
All individuals placed into a position of trust must be held to a higher standard when they make decisions that can harm a person and or cause a person to die in which there is plenty of evidence to show the enormous amount of harm that the people of Hawaii experienced and continue to experience.
David Ige; Josh Green; Mayor's of each County; Sheriff's Department; Hawaii News Reporting (HPR, etc.); owners of businesses; State Health Department; Hospitals; Doctors; DOES 1-50
Lawful Accountability when it can be proven their actions were influenced by money and/or politics which caused the health of the people to be disregarded and the entire State of Hawaii to suffer:
§1A-HAWBSManipulation: This statute will provide prison sentences to any elected official who fails to provide truthful information from them when it is requested from the public when asked of them in the form of a letter, postcard/cute postcards, or electronic communication. These elected individuals instantly become Public Servants with a duty to publicly serve the people:

These public servants just ignored me and my cute postcards-I spent a lot of time making these postcards.