It will probably benefit the unions. Here is why I believe this. I belonged to UFCW 8 (aka UFCW 588) for nearly thirty years. This union, like many other UFCW unions in America, have health and welfare trust funds controlled and operated by the union. The employers contribute monthly to the union health and welfare trust fund.
At the end of 2007, UFCW Northern California Health and Welfare had over $160 million dollars sitting in this trust. The trust fund balance changes over time when members take advantage of the benefits, when employers contribute to the trust fund account and earn money from the trust's investments.
Now suppose Obama is able to get a national single payer health care plan passed in the next year. Will the unions push its members off of its multi-plan onto the national health care plan to save money? If they do, what will happen to the enormous amount of money sitting in these trust funds controlled by these unions? Well if this national health care plan scenario does takes place, some of the money will probably go into the democratic party as contributions to help elect Obamaclones and some of this money will probably go into the hands of those leaders of these corrupt unions. Plus, employers would love to be able to stop all future payments to these unions if its employees were now medically covered by Uncle Sam. The employers profits will shoot through the sky if this happens.
I mean, look at some of the actions Obama has taken so far since he has been in office which have benefited the unions. Unions contributed huge amounts of members dues to help elect Obama in 2008. Obama is paying back the unions for helping get him elected and more pay-backs are on the way.
Obama getting his "national health care insurance" enacted is also getting "national contribution insurance" from the unions for the democratic party and those democrats running for office. It may be decades before the Republicans take back the Whorehouse. Please excuse me, I mean the Whitehouse.
Oh, one more comment: What about dental hygiene care? Will this essential medical procedure be covered in the national health care program? If not, will healthy teeth and that Wal-Mart white teeth "greeter" smile become something of the past?
Below represents the most recent summary annual report on the UFCW Health and Welfare ending December 31, 2007