OK, 2010 will be a great year. I wanted to have 2010 predictions but decided to keep my list short and reveal my "10" top predictions for this year:
1: A Homeless man in Seattle (former Microsoft worker) will spread a rumor that computers won't know how to read October 10, 2010 and all computers will fail at 10:10:10am on 10-10-10. Because computers operate on binary numbers ones and zeros. Look for Y2KXXX to be the big buzz leading up to October 10 and just like the year 2000 you won't be able to find any bottled water or batteries by October.
2: On April 8, Joyce Raley Teel will run naked through the K-Street mall throwing money through the air for two entire blocks celebrating her late father's birthday. Her husband Jim will be seen running behind her scooping up the money screaming "this reminds me of when Collings and I got our hands on the Eagle Thrifty stores in Nevada."
3: Mayor Kevin Johnson will actually accomplish something in his second year as Mayor of Sacramento. Right now I don't want to make any predictions on what that might be.
4: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger leaves office and will join up with former Minnesota Gov Jesse Ventura and start a new reality TV show.
5: Former President Jimmy Carter will appear on the O'reilly show and reveal that Barack Obama is the best president America has ever had.
6: Marijuana will be legalized in California and 90% of the residents from other states will book their next vacation in the Golden State.
7: Gay marriage will once again be defeated at the polls and Gays will decide to put this measure on the ballot every year after they realize they are being screwed by the public and this feels kind of good.
8: The Sacramento Bee will make national news when they convert the front page of its newspaper to an all "ad" page and this will not surprise anyone in Northern California.
9: Housing prices will drop so far in Sacramento that anybody with an EBT card, three good references and a promise to get a job will be good enough to get a mortgage from a bank.
10: Frank Nordby will run naked again at the S.F. Bay to Breakers celebrating his 10-year anniversary from when he ran that race naked in 2000. This time he will have Chuck Collings, Jim and Joyce Raley Teel running naked with him so he won't have to place their disgusting faces on his bare butt.