OK-it is finished. The Super Bowl game is over and Denver has won the game. Wow, who would have ever thought that a football game would become the biggest event in America? Dozens of grown men painfully throwing their bodies at othe men, flying through the air, all in an attempt to please the masses.
The odds to win were in favor of the Carolina Panthers. But once again we are taught that a good defense win football games. In this particular game there were two teams with great defenses. But the best defense was on the sideline representing the Broncos.
The good news so far is that Hillary Clinton has come out and stated that the Denver Broncos was her favorite team when she was six-years-old.
She has shown the public time and time again that she has neither a good offense or a good defense in the game that she plays in life. However, what she has shown us time and time again is that great adage below:
Oh! what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive!
Sir Walter Scott