To get in touch with me about assisting you with a FREE pint of my blood, click on the link above that takes you to my listing on craigslist. Hey, I am here to help.
Below is a YouTube video that is also playing on this page's banner at the top of the page. If you are viewing this website on an android and other cell phone devices, plus, certain operating systems, then you won't be able to view what is playing on my page banner. However, this YouTube video can play below and it is titled The Billion Dollar Blood Business.
Before I watched this video, I really didn't know that Blood Banks anywhere paid people for their blood. In the 50 years of my blood donations, none of the blood centers I went to donate blood paid their least I don't think so. But after watching this video I realized why the Blood Bank of Hawaii might not want to pay people to donate their blood. If the Blood Bank of Hawaii did pay people to give blood, it would attract the down and out people in our society, many with drug problems, and maybe the Blood Bank of Hawaii really don't want people with missing teeth showing up at their blood drives trying to earn money by offering their's hard to say.
And addition to the above, I never received any payment for volunteering my weekend time assisting adults who were deemed, at the time, as being mentally retarded- a term that was changed in 2013. How many people on this Earth have volunteered their time doing something like this for people who were never given a fair chance in life from the moment they came into this world? Maybe Hawaii legislators can propose a bill for that, just like they have proposed a bill for creating a money/tax incentive for the people of Hawaii to donate blood:
Click on the image above to read more about this tax credit for those who donate blood. The Blood Bank of Hawaii, who couldn't get me to beg for attention at one luncheon, uses the State to beg the people to donate by offering monetary can't make this stuff up. However, this legislation will probably go nowhere because the State can't afford these kinds of tax credits...well, they might be able to afford it by adding another cent (tax) to the 6¢ redemption/container fee for bottles and other containers...and when people redeem their container they only receive 5¢ back in return.
The audacity of some Hawaiian looking woman at a Hawaii Blood Bank Donor Appreciation Day insinuating I donated blood to receive money and I should be dumped into the middle of the ocean for being homeless...LOL
What was November 4, 2020 significant for? It was the day after the Presidential election held on November 3, 2020. And that day was the day every legal citizen who voted in America was cheated in the election process to keep Donald Trump from having a second term (if they voted for him), and instead this election fraud placed a lifelong cheat into the presidency to intentionally ruin America. Did anybody really expect a very corrupt government would have an honest election for the people of this country? In fact, when was the last time any corrupt government had an honest election take place for its citizens?
Did the BB of Hawaii get the OK from someone in the Hawaii Government to start its operation up again on the neighboring islands a day after the election? And today, BBH still wants to push useless face masks, social distancing and keep the scam going. Did the BB of Hawaii get any compensation from any government entity, to play this silly game with the public?
Nobody in the Hawaii government or anyone from the Blood Bank of Hawaii has ever provided any scientific study, backed up by peer review, that will show wearing a face mask will protect a person from acquiring a virus. The reason is because there isn't any. You would think the CEO of the Blood Bank of Hawaii, who continues to push wearing a face mask, would be able to present clear evidence that wearing a face mask will protect a person and serve as a preventative health measure. It's great for a bank robber who wants to hide his identity, or somebody belonging to ANTIFA who wants to shield their identity when burning down a U.S. city or breaking the teeth out of a citizen walking down a city street. However, other than that, it's only great for face mask manufacturers who want to capitalize on bad, freedom stealing government decisions, that really harms the public.
Wearing a facemask was only mandated to create the illusion and keep the illusion in the public's mind that there was something the public needed to fear and then they used this fear to control the public's freedom and subsequently cause division amongst the people. "Hey man, put your facemask on or I am going to call the Ige Police on you." That's it. So, when the CDC and Hospitals/medical establishment continue on with this facemask farce it's only because they are trying to keep their credibility and not be exposed for the frauds they are and what they did to people's lives over a virus no more serious than the annual flu for most people.
Below is what is currently going on at a blood center:
Below is an image taken in Kihei before the phony pandemic.
This is what these people are good at.
Below is an article that was featured on Big Island Now website back on February 10, 2023. Below it clearly states that the Blood Bank of Hawaii is partnering together with Mayor Mitch Roth (a former prosecutor), to honor the donors on the Big Island who have donated 100 pints of blood, or more. And this honoring would take place on February 14th. OK, I am already believing that this notification in part is a way for the Hawaii Blood Bank and Mayor Roth to slight me-well at least Mayor Roth who surely must be aware of my postcards I send out through the USPS. LOL. I have more than 100 donations and I never received any invitation to attend this honoring. My total blood donations only include California and Hawaii donations as they were the two states where counting donations was so important. It doesn't include donations I made in other states. But, as of this date of February 10, 2023, I had over 100 donations on file with the Hawaii blood bank...I did not receive an invitation. When I read the article below, I knew I wouldn't be invited. LOL. But I am sure there will be others who will claim they weren't invited either.
Now, speaking about Mitch Roth: From what I understand, he spent many years being a prosecutor, which is a very noble profession (I guess). I would imagine his career of being a prosecutor was built solely on evidence and how that evidence led to someone being charged with a crime and prosecuted. It had to be very good evidence, otherwise he couldn't go forward.
When he was elected to be the Mayor of the County of Hawaii in 2020, what evidence did he have, or evidence that was presented to him, that made him go along with the notion face masks would protect a person from a virus and stop the spread of transmission? Vaccines were safe for everyone to take and stop the spread of a virus transmission? Standing 6ft apart in front of a grocery store and social distancing would protect people and stop the spread of a virus? Lockdowns would stop the spread of the virus; etc.? He had absolutely no evidence at all, and he went along with this fabricated, freedom stealing bullshit, and gave his stamp of approval to it all. I know he went along with this nonsense because I witness an older man being cited by a police officer, in Hawaii County, for not wearing a useless face mask inside of an Ace store. Just think of everyone that Roth personally prosecuted in front of a jury and wonder what kind of evidence did he have to convince a jury the person charged was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt?
Imagine one of his superiors coming to him and telling him "Mitch, we want to remove that scumbag, criminal from the streets and Roth tells him that there isn't enough evidence to convict him of any crime and take away his freedoms...Imagine his superior then telling him...just DO IT. What does Roth do in a situation like this? Just asking for a friend.
Speaking about evidence, what evidence did anyone have to verify the fact that articles like this one below from Big Island Now was true?
You had a faulty and unreliable Covid-19 test that was practically showing anybody with a cough tested positive for Covid-19 which might have been just a seasonal cold (LOL); you had a corrupt Hawaii Health Department putting out these unverifiable figures; you had a corrupt news media more than eager to report this nonsense; you had hospitals being paid money whenever they reported a positive covid-19 case (LOL); you had hospitals being paid money when they reported a death was due to covid-19, even if the death was a person who died in a motorcycle accident and may have had only in actuality a cold because of the faulty Covid-19 test...and it was articles like this one above that made a lot of people panic just like a lot of people panicked when Hawaii sent out an alert that a missile was inbound to Hawaii. I am sure Mitch Roth and Josh Green believed it all.
Maybe the alert above was just a test run to see how much panic it would create with the public so they would be ready to create panic with
the Covid-19 farce. When do the trials begin?
And speaking about the partneership between Roth and Hawaii Blood Bank, I am sure there will be other donors who will claim they too weren't invited to get their picture taken with Mayor Rich Roth. LOL. In my opinion, Mayor Rich Roth is a game player.
On September 19, 2023, I donated blood again in Hilo. Mayor Mitch Roth wasn't there to thank me from his heart and it was just another typical ordinary donation. No fanfare, no CEO Kim-Anh Nguyen running up to me singing songs of gratitude...just an ordinary donation-which is totally fine with me. However, the day after I donated I get this email notifying me that because I donated in September and if I fly to Oahu, I can receive a FREE spam katsu musubi from Nana Ai Katsu (3585 Waialae Ave, Honolulu, HI 96816).
Yeah, CEO Kim-Anh Nguyen. I will catch the next flight to Oahu to get my free spam katsu musubi.
Also, speaking about CEO Kim-Anh Nguyen, I sent an email to the Hawaii Blood Bank asking that they send to me tax exempt form 990
I will briefly explain how my website page Maui Traffic Tickets and officers from the Maui Police Department, who were receiving recognition at the Blood Bank of Hawaii luncheon, collided with each other on the same day I was invited to be recognized for my 78th donation. It had to be basically a coordinated effort by those at the luncheon to "slight" me because of my webpage. What else could it be? Maui Police knew I was a blood donor and knew I was there. The officer who hired me to be a School Crossing Guard in Kihei was also a blood donor...however I don't believe he was personally involved.
It's why a "slight" determined me not to raise my hand to alert this well known Hawaii radio show host she had skipped my number of donations/name when it came up after donor 77. I wanted to send a message that I didn't show up at this luncheon, which I was invited to attend, to beg for recognition and fall for their intentional slight. She had to have intentionally skipped my name. A BB representative present there told me my name was on that list.
Then it appeared to me that these people who wanted to intentionally "slight" me but didn't get a raised five-finger hand reaction from me, realized that they better have some additional "overlooked/skipped" donor names to make it seem like they just didn't target me with her inability to properly read a list. So later on during the acknowleging part of the program, there were two other donors who needed to raise their hand to claim their names were skipped. If I am wrong about my assessment, then this popular radio show host was just an incompetent person hired to perform at this luncheon who wasn't capable of reading off of a list of names...seriously. The great thing is that I didn't raise my hand and I walked away from that luncheon without being acknowledge...I just loved it.
Click on the sound image below and listen to this seasoned radio show host and how she went from the donor name with 77 donations to the donor name with 79 donations and skipped the donor name with 78 donations, which was me...and my name was there on the list.
Does my Maui TrafficTickets page drive people crazy like Jack Nicholson was driven crazy in the moving The Shining to where they want to play mind games with a volunteer donor at a luncheon? Hey, I spent a long time creating that animated page and adding all of the researched information.
What can I say? This is what some people do. Just review my web page above identified as BANK OF HAWAII and see what I experienced there.
So, Hawaii County Mayor Mitch Roth is a former prosecutor. That is fantastic. I would like to query Mr. Mitch Roth with a hypothetical question: If a woman willfully and knowingly makes a false claim/perjury to a court and puts forth information that is a violation of California Penal Code Section 118, and you have provided proof to a Family Court Judge (Nancy Sweet), who then ignored the proof, sends the proof back to you saying she can't accept ex-parte communication (but she accepted my ex-wife's ex-parte communication to obtain the order)... should this woman who violated penal code section 118 be prosecuted for this offense?
This is exciting-click on the image to the right above and listen to her conversation with me and how sweet she is with me. Then realize that a few weeks after this phone conversation she goes to the Sacramento County Courthouse and files the appropriate papers, under the penalty of perjury, asking for an ex parte restraining order because she claims that she has been terrified of me since I left the marriage (which was about a year and half before she made this call above to me), and that I am fixated on her...and that my daughter hides in the bathroom whenever I come over to visit her...and that she needs a protective order NOW. Not tomorrow...NOW...LOL
If that was true then why did she call my workplace asking about me and being told by my workplace I had already gone home for the day? And then, get this, she is making it appear in this audio that she is fixated on is fixated on me. Then why did she call me at home after she called my workplace? Again, it sounds like she is fixated on me---it's getting really exciting. Which led her to invite me to have a bowl of soup...which is commonly diganosed as "big bowl of soup fixation syndrome"...a rare disorder among intellectual people who belong to Mensa. And let's continue-if my daughter hides in the bathroom whenever I come over to visit her, why is she asking me to pick my daughter up and take her to San Luis Obispo? This is a few weeks before she got the restraining order and a long long year and half after I left the marriage.
So all I needed in this crazy situation was an honest judge to do the right thing. Which was to slap handcuffs on her that would create a quick/Nancy Sweet deterent so that this kind of BS lying and wasting the time of the court is curtailed. But dishonest Judge Nancy Sweet wasn't going to expose a lying woman-who was operating in her courtroom-no,no, no... Judge Sweet needed to protect another woman. It wouldn't look good for it to get out that some women abuse the legal system who are on a personal vendetta by screaming as loud as they can "fire."
So, Hawaii prosecutor Roth, are you going to prosecute and slap handcuffs on somebody that you can clearly hear on tape is guilty of a CA penal code for perjury? It is the simplest, open and shut case you will ever have in your career. Come on now Mitch, do the right thing...I know you will piss off a lot of women if you do and your vote total in your next mayor's election will drop by 45%.
There is no evidence that a face mask will keep you from catching a virus, however, Mitch, there is plenty of evidence showing a dishonest woman committing a felony while in her pursuit to get a restraining order against me and this woman should have spent time in a jail.
And the crazy face masks you see people wearing. What is it about this nonsense with the face masks? It's like there was this never-ending, eat all you want, flavored-marshmallow-sleep-over in Oahu that eventually brain-sucked away people's ability to discern what is true and not true. But the good news is that we live America, and you are free to wear masks anywhere you want. However, it must be difficult to consume marshmallows while wearing one.
Some of the selections above haven't been created yet.
Please, don't put much stock into anything that the corrupt news media will try to do to make you believe that wearing a face mask will protect you from acquiring a virus. The woman on this YouTube video below is their current go-to person right now to try and get some credibility back to the medical establishment and the CDC. Wow, listen to her, she sounds convincing, doesn't she? The corruption going on about face masks needs a lot of attention and their goal is to once again convince the gullible public that America wasn't duped during the pandemic (?) years and they want everyone to feel comfortable about masks and to wear face masks again. As the slogan goes "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." Look at how dishonest Anthony Fauci is...and CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky.
She could have earned another paycheck from Big Pharma at the end of the video by recommending everybody to get another safe booster shot.
Do you like the subliminal message at the beginning of this video with everyone seen wearing a face mask? They really are pathetic. Also, when will 60 Minutes do a segment on the dangerous vaccines? Oh, don't want to go there.
Below is a picture of Lt. Governor Josh Green (today he is the Governor trying to put out the corruption fire currently burning Maui), and the CEO of the Blood Bank of Hawaii, Kim-Anh Nguyen. Both of them are wearing useless face masks. The face masks don't protect you and in fact may harm you if you wear them for too long.
What information did the Lt. Governor of Hawaii, the CEO of the Blood Bank of Hawaii and the CDC have to show that wearing a face mask will protect a person? Nothing at all! Click on the image below to see exactly what the facts are about wearing a face mask and what these two people below refuse to understand-but I suspect they know wearing a face mask won't protect a person. And when you read this information you will come to realize "it all makes TOTAL sense." WOW-Josh Green is a MD and Kim Nguyen is a MD/PHD, and both of them are playing stupid with the public by wearing face masks that they probably know will not protect a person from catching the covid-19 virus.
UPDATE: I donated blood again on September 19, 2023 and they changed their policy again to not even ask what vaccine you have received. LOL...they can't keep their story straight. The 6ft distancing is no longer being adhered to and face masks are no longer mandatory.
On July 15, 2021 (below in an article), CEO Nguyen, claims that she seems to rely on good science to drive patient decisions. The BB of H also relies on the CDC for guidence. LOL
By clicking on the links below you can see for yourself how much 'Blood Bank of Hawaii' CEO Kim-Anh Nguyen receives in compensation from its tax-exempt-non profit financial filings with the IRS. And when you see the figure, you will jump for joy knowing that there is at least one person living on the Island of Oahu who earns enough income to be able to qualify for a mortgage to purchase a home on Oahu...just maybe... at current prices.
as per search on internet
as per view of form 990 IRS filing...CEO's 2020 earning = $185 an hour
Also, will the CEO of the Blood Bank of Hawaii provide you a copy of the 990 IRS filing for the most recent years, if you request one, that the IRS has not posted because of the backlog of filings since 2020? As the 990 form states "open to public inspection." Just wondering.
UPDATE: a recent check of the IRS site, it is now showing the year 2021 being I would like to review the 2022-990 form.
Currently, on the IRS website, you can see that the Blood Bank of Hawaii has filed for the year 2021, but only the form 990T. IRS form 990 is the form that will reveal executive compensation and that hasn't been listed yet. UPDATE: BB of H has submitted IRS form 990 for the year 2021 and this new filing shows her compensation took a cut from the previous year. In 2020 her total compensation was $384,976, and then in 2021 she supposedly took a pay cut to $345,792-and reported this to the IRS with a new look to the BB's form. Why? Was it because my site was revealing her compensation? Total receipts for year 2021 was substancially higher than year 2020...Now I want to see the year 2022.
I am waiting for the 2022 filing.
Click on the link below to view The Blood Bank of Hawaii registration with the Business Registration Division, Department of Commerce & Consumer Affairs at
You will discover who the names of Hawaii Blood Bank's Officers are and what the Hawaii Blood Bank's original name was in the year it was established. Just to let you know most board members today are democrats...and a couple aren't.
Below is the actual site showing Blood Bank of Hawaii's filing.